Property Management
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Capital Improvements
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Financial Reporting
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Business Development
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Finance Real Estate
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Recover Asset Value
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Our company

Sun Property is a company legally registered in the Mercantile Register and is the owner of the trade name Sun Property. Under this brand name, it focuses its activity on the marketing of properties in the Canary Islands, Spain and Italy, as well as the provision of additional services and after-sales services. From the search for the property that the client needs to the future management and profitability of the investment. Sun Property is registered in the General Register of the Government of the Canary Islands as a real estate intermediary, a necessary requirement to legally operate in the Canary Islands. On the other hand, the company has taken out a Civil Liability insurance policy with the Reale Company for a value of €2,500,000 to protect itself against possible claims from third parties for the exercise of its activity and which could give rise to financial losses.

¿Qué opinan de nosotros?

Nos ha encantado la empatía y el trato cercano que nos has brindado durante todo el proceso de la venta del piso. Agradecerte por tus prontas respuestas a nuestras peticiones e inquietudes. ¡Sin duda volvería a contratar tus servicios! Eres muy amigable y profesional, ¡¡Gracias por todo!!
by Giuseppe Giambra
Comercial Venta, Sun Property
Trato exquisito y profesionalidad. En todo momento me ayudaron con las dudas que tuve a la hora de la compra y me facilitaron el proceso. Recomiendo totalmente a Sun Property y a Roberto, que fue el comercial que me asesoró durante el proceso de compra.
by Luisa Rodriguez Gonzales
Buona sera, Voglio ringraziarvi della vostra professionalità e gentilezza. Vi ringrazio e vi abbraccio tutti. Un grande ringraziamento a tutto lo staff sempre disponibile per tutti i problemi. Grazie, grazie a tutti!
by Giulio Deliso

Our team

Behind every great company there is a great team.

Kathryn Wallace
Chair Manager
Kathryn Wallace
Chair Manager
Intelligent, ambitious, energetic and proactive perfectionist. Working with Kathryn Wallace is a signature of success.
Jerry Edwards
Sales Manager
Jerry Edwards
Sales Manager
Intelligent, ambitious, energetic and proactive perfectionist. Working with Kathryn Wallace is a signature of success.
Virginia Holland
Real Estate Agent
Virginia Holland
Real Estate Agent
Intelligent, ambitious, energetic and proactive perfectionist. Working with Kathryn Wallace is a signature of success.
Donald Douglas
Marketing Strategist
Donald Douglas
Marketing Strategist
Intelligent, ambitious, energetic and proactive perfectionist. Working with Kathryn Wallace is a signature of success.

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